Join SamplesUP & Get Paid For Your Opinions On Products!

SamplesUP is now accepting new users!

Simply Go Here & register as a new member. As always, its 100% Free, and no personal info is required.

1.) When you go to the site to sign up, it’ll ask for your First Name, Last name, email & birth date. Then click “continue”.

2.) On the next page, itll ask for your shipping address & phone number.

3.) Then click on “Get My Free Products”

4.) It’ll bring you to the main dashboard and youll be able to see the Freebies/samples/offers available at the time. Remember, the items available change frequently depending on whats available!

Users will be able to receive FREE products & samples in exchange for their opinion & GET PAID for doing so!

Payment amount varies per item/action. It will tell you how much you’ll earn prior to doing it.



(Click the green text to be taken to the SamplesUP site to sign up!)

Have Questions or need help? Feel free to contact us using the tab on our website.